My Month Of Possession! Job42:12

Beloved, what we hear affects what we have.
The words we hear are a seed within us that can bear fruit.
Good seed boosts our faith and influences us positively.
When the Lord warns us about what we hear,
it is because he knows that the enemy can inject his venom into us and deprive us of our graces.
Many of us think that we are in control, that we can handle things,
that we are insensitive, invulnerable to certain remarks.
Many households are also victims of infidelity because women have learnt that men are not serious,
that they’re fickle, so they’re always on the go when it comes to their husbands.
What they think poisons their relationships.
If we associate with people who don’t believe in deliverance or in the power of God, we won’t believe in them either in the long run.
Lord, reveal to us the bad words we have heard that manipulate our lives, let us learn to sort out what our ears need to hear.
Mark, 4:24 – Then he said to them, “Be careful what you hear. You will be measured with the measure you have used, and it will be added for you.
Pray for a good listening ability.
Let us be careful how we hear,
Do we not hear with our ears?
If it’s with our ears, let’s be wary, let’s observe,
weigh carefully.
We also hear with our thoughts. If our thoughts are sharp, then what we hear will be filtered by what we want to hear.
It is we who decide to arrive at the truth with what our ears hear.
What we are is a reflection of what we have heard,
We only appear as our thoughts dictate.
So let us pray to discipline our ears, to cultivate and preserve what we have received from God as our inheritance.
Good day to you all
Good day to you all

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