My Month Of Consecration! Ps119:10

If there’s one thing that particularly involves men of God, it’s this month’s theme.
We who look at them from afar envy them.
We who listen to them covet them.
It’s not just what comes out of their mouths that interests us, but also their actions, their characters, their strengths…
At the slightest opportunity we have to criticise them,
we don’t miss because they are examples, they are there to defend the image of Christ,
So their integrity has to be sharp,
their walk with the Lord must be precise.
Many men of God who are supposed to be consecrated have become the laughing stock of Egypt,
by wanting to skip steps in ministry, they have helped God to single them out.
By wanting the glory of the world, they connected to the wrong source.
Wanting easy gain, they prophesied with fetishes and made an alliance with the waters.
And we the people are thirsty,
we who do not want to come closer to God, we who do not work on our discernment,
we who give our heads to everyone because someone has lined up a few Bible verses, Okalga!
We found ourselves in their midst,
they’ve manipulated us, they’ve robbed us of our energy,
they’ve hijacked our destinies and we haven’t understood that the earth on which we stand is barren.
So when we are invited to pray for the men of God, let us do so.
It is by interceding for leaders that the Lord goes before them in their choice,
It is by taking time to pray for our leaders that the Lord reveals their weakness,
It is by pleading with God for their cause that the Father makes his glory shine in their lives and in their ministries.
It is our responsibility to pray for our pastors.
Let’s stop pretending that they are great men who have no challenges and let’s pray for them.
Pray for your Pastors.
2 Corinthians, 2:17 – For we do not falsify the word of God, as many do; but in sincerity, but from God, we speak in Christ before God.
It is forbidden to change the word of God,
It is wrong to correct or twist what has come from the mouth of God.
Pastors who do this are of the devil,
those who do it want to seduce the world,
those who do it are looking for crowds and gain.
The Lord expects us to be loyal,
that we do not say what he has not said,
that we not sully the kingdom of God for appearances’ sake.
We must take this duty seriously and pray for our parents.
Thank you Lord for the heroes you have given us,
Teach us to honour them and pray for them.
Teach us to protect them from the temptations that are always on their doorstep.
Preserve them, Daddy.
And may the glory be yours alone.
Good morning to you all
Good day to you all

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