My Month Of Mercy! Lc1:50

The Lord is not happy to see us doing nothing,
he wants to bless us, he wants to do us good.
No matter what we’re going through, let’s not stop, let’s keep walking.
It’s Sunday, many are tired, some are discouraged, but others are determined not to abandon their faith, despite what they’re going through.
They know that it is in God’s presence that we have the assurance of a stable tomorrow.
The Bible tells us that the psalmist was always overjoyed when he was invited into his Father’s house, he was happy to be in God’s presence,
It was there that he could confide in God and unload his burdens,
It was there that he felt unique in the hands of the Lord.
Beloved, far from the Lord we cannot ask or trouble him.
Far from the Lord, we are disconnected from the fire,
far from the Lord, we are fragile.
He wants us to come home, he wants to solve the problem that is bothering us.
The prodigal son thought he could manage without the father, he thought that having the inheritance was everything, he had forgotten that spiritual maturity is acquired from the father.
In his pride and self-righteousness, he found himself with nothing, in a precarious situation that was out of the ordinary, but when everything goes wrong, and men have rejected us, judged us, humiliated us, let us not be ashamed to return to the Father who knows how to welcome us and console us.
That’s what the prodigal son did, and his Father, who always wants to do good, opened his arms to him and organised a great feast.
Do we want to feel good?
Let’s make room for the Lord and praise him.
Micah, 7:18 – What God is like you, who forgives iniquity and forgets sins in the remnant of your inheritance? He does not keep his anger forever, for he delights in mercy.
Exalt the Lord, who delights in doing good to you.
Lord, there is no one like you.
No one can love us like you, no one can do us good like you.
No matter how much we disbelieve you, you forgive us when we return to you.
Father, we have come back to drink, console us and keep us.
Good day to you all
Good day to you all

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