My Month Of Justice! Mal4:2

Can we celebrate our Yaweh?
Can we shout for joy for our Lord?
He is alive,
he is faithful,
he is incredible…
He is the one we worship,
He is the one we serve,
He is always the one we love,
He is our lover,
He is our essence.
We are so grateful to see this new month,
We are glad to be counted among the chosen to tread this season.
May is a month that symbolises grace.
Our Dad offers each of us the opportunity to experience a special blessing.
So it’s important to tell ourselves that not only is grace available, but the Lord has added a mark of justice.
Adonai says that he is alive and he rises last to defend us.
Have we experienced situations where we have been rejected and despised for nothing?
Are we going through insurmountable, inaccessible challenges?
Do we have a court case that has been going round in circles for years, without a judgment,
no hearing,
no one available to help us?
Are we being accused of a crime that is not our own?
Do we live in a home full of violence despite our best efforts?
Do we only receive evil and wickedness when we are a source of blessing for many?
Elohim enters the scene and steals our peace and joy.
So let’s not worry.
He who said he would defend us and fight for us is the one who is doing the work.
Without bloodshed, there is no justice.
Without mercy, there is no justice,
Without love, there is no justice,
Without forgiveness, there is no justice,
Without light, there is no justice,
Without grace, there is no justice.
Adonai has triggered the process of justice and everyone will see that we have a great God.
Welcome to our new month, our month of righteousness.
Malachi, 4:2 – But for you who fear my name, the sun of righteousness will rise, and healing will be under its wings; you will go out and jump like calves in a stall,
Others may experience drought,
Others may suffer and be frustrated, but because we love God,
because we serve God, glory will be our portion,
we will enter into our rest,
sickness will depart from us and the testimony will be in our homes,
our hearts will rejoice because at last we are free from limitations.
This is a reason to celebrate our God today,
an opportunity to tell the Lord that our ears have heard of him, now our eyes see.
Thank you for this attention, Father.
Thank you for this protection, Father,
Thank you for your presence that never ceases to reassure us.
So we wish each other a better month, full of favours and breakthroughs.
Good morning to us
Good day to you

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