My Month Of Justice! Mal4:2

One day, Naaman, the leader of the Syrian army, came to see Elisha because he needed healing.
He was sick with leprosy.
Elisha asked him to perform a prophetic act in order to obtain deliverance.
But what interests us here is that once Naaman had been restored, he wanted to make an offering to the man of God.
Although he is not a believer, he is aware that people do not come to see the man of God empty-handed, and he knows that gratitude is powerful.
So Naaman goes to Elysium to sow his seed, but Elysium categorically refuses.
Although disappointed, Naaman left.
What is curious is that Elysium, a man of God, said no to the gift, but Gehazi, Elysium’s servant, in his envy, greed and cunning, went to tell Naaman that his master needed money and clothes for some people who had come to see him unexpectedly.
But Elysium had seen in his mind the limitations of his servant and Gehazi wanted to lie to him.
And Naaman’s leprosy was transferred to Gehazi.
Let’s look at how a servant can get into trouble,
that’s how a child of God can be cursed because of his desire.
And that’s why we must pray for our anointed ones, we must constantly commend them to the Lord because a weakness can disqualify them from grace.
In 1 Timothy, 6:11 – As for you, man of God, flee from these things and seek righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience and gentleness.
Fast and pray for your Pastor.
Paul was worried about Timothy, fearing that his young, inexperienced disciple would fall into the corrupting danger of the city’s wealth.
So Paul warns Timothy and, through him, God’s servants of all levels and powers, at different times, of the soul-destroying dangers of covetousness.
Let us flee from immoderate love of the things of the world.
This is an encouragement to all of us who want to serve the Lord with fear.
May the Lord help us to reconsider his work in the lives of those we encourage.
Good day to you all
Good day to you all

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