My Month Of Accountability! Luke16:10

Naomie had a peaceful life.
Everything was OK for her and her family, the Lord was gracious to them, they were free from want.
People could envy them because grace was at work in their lives.
In any case, everything was calm until the day when a severe famine hit the country.
Things got complicated and the family, which had been stable, began to worry,
instead of relying on God, they found it better to move elsewhere.
Beloved, the decisions we make can poison the destiny of several generations,
Our choices can attract curses,
Our wills can shatter what we have taken a lifetime to build,
Our convenience even influences all our future descendants.
Naomi and her husband lived in Bethlehem, which means “the house of bread
bread, but they refused to wait for the situation to change,
they did not understand that suffering only lasts for a short time,
they didn’t even know where they were.
How can we explain the fact that we can leave the blessing and cling to the curse?
How can we understand our alternatives in times of difficulty?
The Bible says that she ended up in Moab, a place where people lived in contradiction to God’s will.
The choices we make to have the same comforts as others,
The decisions we make that may attract attention but are empty, without spiritual significance.
During their stay, Elimelec, Noémie’s husband, died.
His two sons married Moabites and ten years later, his sons also died.
Naomi, who had been the bearer of life, became bitter,
The woman who was prosperous became poor,
The mother who was stable has become unhappy.
The wife who was happy has become needy.
Beloved, the mistakes we make can keep us in captivity.
And there are many of us who suffer because of the bad decisions our elders made,
We are going round in circles because we have attached ourselves to the wrong seed,
Some doors are closed in front of us because of the connections that have blocked our heaven.
All this is possible and that’s why the Lord wants us to grasp something important.
The Lord wants us to know that what the law has pronounced will not affect our lives, we will not pay for the sins of our fathers as long as we follow the Lord’s principles.
This is what Jeremiah tells us, 31:30 – But every man shall die for his own iniquity; every man that eateth green grapes, his teeth shall be set on edge.
Remember that every act vas a consequences.
Before doing something, think carefully,
it can cause us harm.
Everyone must suffer the consequences of their personal choices.
So let’s be careful what we do, because no one will help us carry the burdens we’ve caused.
This is also why we must choose Jesus Christ,
he is the direction, only he can lead us away from the wrong path.
So let’s hang in there and tell of the works of the Lord.
Good day to you all
Good day to you all

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