My Month Of Accountability! Luke16:10

In many of our churches, we entrust responsibilities to people just because they are financially stable or because they are church elders.
Most of us are not led by the spirit, we allow ourselves to be seduced, yet these people do not necessarily have the capacity to take the project to its next level.
Some church members are sometimes frustrated that someone new is active.
Let’s say Achan was in church, he was very punctual with the programmes,
he recited the Bible and he was close to the man of God.
So when it came to sending men to conquer Jericho, the Lord had given instructions which were not respected.
Achan stole the forbidden things and hid them.
When Israel was defeated by the land of Ai, it was a disgrace for the people of Israel who had just emerged from a great victory.
The forbidden was in the midst of the children of Israel and until this situation was resolved, Israel could not possess the territory of Ai.
Joshua, who was the leader, disappointed by the defeat, was surprised to know that the person at his side
in whom he had full confidence, was the poison of the group.
It was Joshua himself who selected Acan,
he thought Achan could be the man for the job,
he believed Achan could be counted among those who understood the vision but alas…
For the man of God, Achan deserved to go and conquer Jericho, but our friend’s thoughts were corrupted.
Achan only wanted his own interests,
he thought only of his own comfort and his whole family perished as accomplices.
The responsibilities we accept, believing we can succeed, can destroy us.
The Lord wants to warn us this morning,
let us be careful of the lightness with which we manage our affairs.
As far as we are concerned, we can solve everything, but God knows that we still have to work on our commitments.
Genesis, 39:2 – The LORD was with him, and prosperity followed him, and he lived in the house of his master, the Egyptian.
Genesis 39:22 – And the captain of the prison put all the prisoners in the prison under his charge; and nothing was done there but by him.
Responsibility must be earned.
When we are entrusted with positions as children of God, the obvious must follow.
Prosperity must be attached to us.
Only because Joseph took charge of his master’s house did prosperity enter.
Wherever Joseph was, there was a difference, so much so that in prison, he was the leader because he had integrity.
Let’s be responsible and show others that we can be trusted.
Good day to you all
Have a nice day

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