My Month Of Awakening! Rom13:11

What a surprise!
What a surprise!
What a surprise!
It’s no longer a dream, it’s a reality!
It’s no longer a project, it’s an achievement!
It’s no longer a promise, it’s a fulfilment.
We can now touch our testimony,
We can finally write a new story!
It’s an episode for the chosen ones,
It is a tale for the chosen,
It is history for an acquired people,
It is legendary for a holy nation,
It is phenomenal for a chosen race,
It is unheard of for a royal priesthood…
Lord, we are grateful,
It’s not a favour, it’s a privilege and we don’t intend to waste it.
Do we realise that our feet have trodden the second half of the year?
Do we realise that some people’s programmes came to an abrupt halt yesterday?
Do we realise that others are in hospital because they have been struck by a stroke?
Do we know that many never arrived at their destination?
So let’s contemplate the grace we have?
Let us enjoy the blessing quietly, because we have done nothing to deserve it.
Goodbye to yesterday’s pressures,
Goodbye to yesterday’s disappointments,
Goodbye to yesterday’s weaknesses and shortcomings,
And welcome to new opportunities,
Welcome to the real thing,
Welcome to a new dimension of touch…
Because without this touch, we will continue to stagnate,
Without this touch, we will fail to appreciate prodigies and miracles,
Without this touch, poverty will surprise us,
Without this touch, we will continue to fold our arms,
Without this touch, we won’t make it to the other side…
So you’ve taken good care, Lord, to give us a boost, to motivate us, to encourage us, and you’ve baptised the seventh month of the year, our month of awakening.
On that note, we wish each and every one of you an excellent month.
The number seven signifies fulfilment, perfection, accomplishment…
If we were us, we’d do everything in our power not to miss the season.
Awakening= rebirth, renewal, resurrection, revival, reviviscence…
We were asleep, we were limber,
Laziness was our daily life,
We were controlled by heaviness,
We were late,
procrastination, eternal repetition…
Without stability,
No permanence,
No permanence…
This is not a season for the weak,
not an era for sleepers.
This is the season of the go-getter,
of the warrior,
of the valiant,
of the bold,
of the brave,
of the zealous,
We are tired of cowards who put the brakes on the momentum released by the Lord.
To run with the month, Yaweh speaks to us in Romans, 13:11 – This is all the more important because you know what time it is: it is time to wake up from sleep at last, because now salvation is closer to us than when we believed.
This is very important because we know that we are in the end times, and the world needs the word of God because the enemy has tainted everything, spiritual blindness is blatant and many people have lost their bearings.
So the time has come for each of us to spread the gospel, the time when we must work with the help of the Holy Spirit to bring the lost out of Egypt.
We no longer have the right to lag behind, let us rise up and possess what is ours.
The glory of the Lord is available,
The light of the Lord guides our steps,
The Father’s radiant beauty shines in us.
We can let ourselves be located by its freshness,
We can connect to the right anointing frequency.
Isaiah, 60:1 – Arise, be enlightened, for your light is coming, and the glory of the Lord is rising over you.
Praise the Lord who sheds his light on us.
Lord, we just want you to be a lamp to our feet in this season.
Good morning to you all
Good day to you

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