My Month Of Awakening! Rom13:11

Lord, we are not always aware of the day of our celebration, we sometimes don’t realise how privileged you are to be counted among the guests who will share the meal.
Our thoughts are drawn to other plans that are not always beneficial to us.
In any case, it’s Sunday, so let’s get ready and adorn ourselves for the feast.
Going to the Lord’s house is an honour that we won’t find anywhere else.
There, there are no social conditions for being loved,
There, the dance floor is for all,
There we are free and equal.
Let’s not take our day of worship as our day of housework, or our day of rest, or our day of meetings.
The Lord invites us to take our thoughts out of captivity,
He wants to restore to us what we have lost.
Things have also happened to us because we were asleep, and the Bible tells us that the enemy comes to sow the tares while we are relaxed.
So it’s time for us to open our eyes and become aware of what’s going on around us, to make the effort to come out of our torpor,
our habits,
our certainties…
Like us, the people of Israel had become accustomed to the subjugation imposed by Babylon.
And God does not settle for anything that is contrary to his love.
We must become aware of our value, of our power.
Let us not allow ourselves to be denigrated,
Let us not let bad words diminish our dignity.
Our today in no way determines our tomorrow, so whatever our situation, let’s stop feeling sorry for ourselves,
our God is faithful,
He urges us to be careful and to perform acts of joy.
There’s no need to be miserable,
no need to present ourselves as beggars,
Let’s dress up in our luxury clothes, our last suitcases, and let’s dance and celebrate the one who sits on the throne.
His reign soothes our hearts and gives us hope.
Don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid, the celebration is for the victorious…
Those who know that Daddy fights for them and always defends them.
It’s those who are on their feet who can celebrate,
It is those who are at peace and rejoicing who can cheer.
That is why we must be sensitive to the voice of the Lord so that we do not miss the great day.
Isaiah, 52:1 – Awake! Awake! Put on your finery, O Zion! Put on your festival garments, O Jerusalem, holy city. For neither the uncircumcised nor the unclean shall enter you any more.
Praise the Lord, the God who prepares you for celebration.
As we shout for joy,
the curse,
the limitations… are taken away from us.
Good morning to you all
Have a nice day

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