My Month Of Awakening! Rom13:11

If we do not know Jesus Christ,
If we have no intimacy with him,
If we are superficial Christians,
It is also normal and understandable that we find certain spiritual things banal,
devoid of splendour.
But those who know their God act with firmness, they know that as a child of God,
it is a privilege to witness an extraordinary moment when the glory of God is manifested.
Luke, 9:32 – Peter and his companions were heavy with sleep, but when they were awake, they saw the glory of Jesus and the two men who were with him.
Pray to keep yourself awake so that you don’t miss out on the glory Of God.
When the glory of God shines out, we want to be like Peter, who stayed there.
When the fullness of the Holy Spirit has covered us
our joy is complete in his presence.
One thing we must also understand
is that the glory of God is accompanied by sacrifice,
to contemplate it and live it,
we have to pay a price,
an extra effort that is the living.
Peter and his companions should therefore strengthen themselves to go to the mountain while the others waited,
They should take the time to pray and above all to stay awake so as not to miss the blessing.
There are many of us in the church with whom the Lord wants to take a moment to show us the hidden things, but we are asleep on our Bibles, in our prayers.
And very quickly, we miss out on what the Lord wants to do with us and through us.
We can no longer continue to be absent from things above,
The Lord wants us by his side, to live out what he has planned with us.
Let us not deprive ourselves of his blessings and moments of communion with him because of laziness.
Beloved, let us listen to the voice of our Lord and follow him up this mountain,
even if it costs us,
even if it requires us to give up certain attachments,
because his presence is better than all that.
Good day to you
Good day to you

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