My Month Of Awakening! Rom13:11

Every time we, as children of God, refuse to be reconciled with the Lord, we extinguish the Holy Spirit.
Every time we Christians refuse to ask for forgiveness, we extinguish the Holy Spirit.
Every time we, the Lord’s souls, bow down before other gods, we extinguish the Holy Spirit.
Every time we consult soothsayers and magicians, astrologers and enchanters, we extinguish the Holy Spirit.
Every time we refuse spiritual gifts, we extinguish the Holy Spirit.
Every time we prevent the Holy Spirit from shining in our communities and in our churches, we extinguish the Holy Spirit.
Every time we refuse God’s will, we extinguish the Holy Spirit.
Every time we despise prophetic words, we extinguish the Holy Spirit.
Every time the Lord’s corrections are dead letters, we quench the Holy Spirit.
Every time we disobey and ignore the leading of the spirit, we quench the Holy Spirit…
Let’s not be ignorant, it is possible to extinguish the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit is light.
The Holy Spirit is life.
The Holy Spirit is fire.
Let’s keep it burning,
Let us keep it alive and radiant.
We must be careful to rekindle the flame so that it continues to burn.
Paul warns us in 1 Thessalonians, 5:19 – Don`t quench the Spirit.
Fast and pray to align with the spirit of God at all times.
These words are rather surprising.
Apparently, the Church of Thessalonica was in danger of committing this serious sin.
Not only does the Spirit have emotions, but its fire can even be extinguished.
Let us allow the Holy Spirit to speak to us through his word and listen to his voice,
Let him lead us to respond to the word with praise, prayer and thanksgiving. Let’s not turn it off!
If we turn it off, we will no longer benefit from its light,
We make bad decisions,
We will make mistakes,
We will be completely swallowed up by sin.
Paul encourages Timothy to rekindle this living flame.
This is an important lesson for all of us.
Paul knew that we must be careful not to neglect the gift of the Holy Spirit within us lest it grow cold!
To quench means to stifle, to silence, to crush. To extinguish the Holy Spirit therefore has to do with smothering or extinguishing the fire of God.
Father, we are sorry that we have neglected all that you are.
Help us to reconnect and keep our flame burning.
Good day to you all
Good day to you all

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