My Month Of Awakening! Rom13:11

Today, more than ever, you are authentic.
Every day, you give us the chance to write a new story with you.
Having you with us reassures us.
Many people seek security in their activities and their successes, but we know very well that we’ll find it nowhere but in your arms.
So Lord, give us another opportunity to show you that we are not only ungrateful but also grateful,
We are not only stiff-necked people but we can also be obedient children,
We are not only unbelieving souls but we can also be subject to authority.
We thought we could do without you,
the church thought it could deploy itself but we were wrong.
We can no longer operate in a new dimension of power,
We have trouble experiencing the miracles and wonders of the past,
We find it hard to enter into the depths of your fullness.
Father, we come before you this morning to implore the restoration of the church,
we have come to beg you for the revival of your children,
we are at your feet for our salvation.
Look at the despair on our faces, Lord.
Look at the frustrations that permeate our lives, Father.
Look how spiritual blindness and nonchalance captivate us.
Our attentions are fixed on Egypt,
our intentions focused on the glory of the world.
Everything to turn us away from you, Yaweh.
Everything to disqualify us from your kingdom.
Everything to rob us of our lives.
We have lost our flavour,
We have lost our strength,
We have lost our courage.
Our services are empty and joyless.
Our prayers are complicated, tiring and heavy.
Our faith is lukewarm and our lives lack enthusiasm and conviction.
So we need you, LORD.
We need our strong and powerful God,
May our Yaya enter our places of worship with power and authority.
Psalms, 80:20 – LORD God of hosts, lift us up! Make your face shine, and we shall be saved!
May the Lord enlighten your life!
Lord, we rely on your support and help.
We have been disobedient and wicked, but Lord, do not abandon us, do not turn your face away from us.
Bring us back to you, we want to see your smile.
We want to talk to you face to face, Lord.
We want personal contact with you,
we want to see your glory influence our lives, we want to be participants in your presence.
May each day with you be a lamp to our feet.
Good day to you all
Good day to you all

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