My Month Of Integrity! Ps119:1

We don’t entrust everything to everyone,
It’s not because we’re in the church that we’re necessarily loyal,
It’s not because we call ourselves children of God that everyone agrees on our credibility,
It is not because we are servants of God that our dealings with money are necessarily correct.
We have to work on our integrity every day,
It is at all times that we must implore the Lord to trim us sufficiently so that we are able to resist temptation.
We can call ourselves honest until a desperate situation proves us wrong.
Integrity has to be worked on,
it is cultivated,
it is nurtured,
It is exercised every day and at all times.
The Bible tells us that King Joash took the initiative with the priests of collecting the offerings of the people to carry out the work in the house of the Lord.
This money was given to the men responsible for repairing the temple.
Nobody was stressing them out about the accounts,
They were trusted, the work progressed, they acted with faith and everyone could see the achievements.
Discernment and virtue make a country prosperous.
As leaders, can we be trusted to manage money?
That’s why we need to pray for spiritual authorities to be influenced by God’s leadership.
The actions of these faithful workers have been recorded in the scriptures to serve as an example to us, to inspire us and to challenge us that we can still be honest people in this century.
Is honesty in our accounts a matter of course for us as Christians?
When it comes to money, are our spiritual and public lives worthy of trust?
The need for people of integrity is increasingly felt in the church.
The greater the mission, the more the body of Christ must beg the Lord for loyal men and women like Daniel, Nehemiah… To manifest the glory of God wherever they are.
2 Kings 12:15 – The men into whose hands the money was given were not called to account to give it to the builders, for they acted with integrity.
Pray for integrity in financial management.
Let us be counted among those whom the Lord calls upright and just.
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Good day to you

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