My Month Of Integrity! Ps119:1

Most of us appreciate being treated with kindness, with love, with respect…
And we expect that from others, so we should do the same for them.
If we like to be grateful, let’s be grateful to others.
If we like to be honoured, let’s honour others.
If we like to be served, let us serve others.
It is what we put into practice that is returned to us.
If we don’t like to be criticised, it’s very simple, let’s refrain from criticising others.
If we don’t want to be robbed, let’s not steal from others.
All this is to encourage us to do good,
to take the initiative in good works.
The parable of the Last Judgement makes us understand that our negligence, our unbelief and our hardening of hearts.
We have had the opportunity to reach out to those in need, to be generous, but we have deliberately chosen not to do so.
The Bible tells us that because of this, Jesus rejected us,
he didn’t accept us into his kingdom because he was in prison, and we didn’t come to see him.
He was hungry and we didn’t feed him.
He was thirsty and we didn’t give him anything to drink. He was cold and we did not give him blankets.
Not because we have done what is wrong but we have not done what we should do,
we have not done what we should do.
In the parable of the rich man and Lazarus.
The rich man’s sin was to remain insensitive to the miserable condition of a poor man. When Lazarus, weakened by hunger and sickness, stood at the door of the rich man’s house, the rich man did absolutely nothing.
The rich man did absolutely nothing to help him.
He showed no sign of compassion.
He preferred to ignore Lazarus’ presence and abandoned him to his own fate.
And as in the previous parable, God’s judgement fell on a man who did not do the good he should have done.
Jesus calls us to unconditional love,
to kindness without return.
Luke, 6:31 – Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Let’s love others as ourselves, it’s all about love.
We are all equal and that doesn’t take into account our social status
or how much money we have,
or what advantages we may have.
The Lord has done for us what he wants us to do for others.
He has given us the same kindness that he wants us to show towards him and towards our neighbours.
He loved us first so that we, in turn, could express sincere love for him.
He initiated reconciliation with mankind and did for us what he would like us to do for him and for mankind.
Jesus invites us to simplicity and gives us a foretaste of a heaven transformed by love.
Good day to you all
Have a good day!

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