My Month Of Integrity! Ps119:1

We have reached a level where we trample on the grace of still having effective and honest men of God who fear God and serve Him,
We have reached a level of rebellion and unfaithfulness that causes us to neglect the privilege of having God’s servants…
We agree that the abuses have overflowed,
We agree that poverty is a spirit like that which can lead us to do things we never imagined,
We continue to say that our spiritual leaders compromise themselves,
create situations to take advantage and can find themselves in a state of weakness that dishonours them and opens the door to contempt.
Beloved, let us remember that our leaders are men,
they also go through difficult times, they cry,
they are hungry,
they are vulnerable, just like us, but they must always present an image of security and serenity because they are established,
chosen by God to help raise up the weak.
So, for all these reasons, we must be sensitive and generous workers who help our heroes to flourish.
When the Lord speaks to us of integrity, he never spares his anointed ones.
On the contrary, it is even through them that the judgement will begin.
Are we seeing all the responsibility that pastors can have,
they have to watch their step,
they must put a knife around their neck,
there must be no wrinkles, no marks, no such thing,
our leaders must be holy and beyond reproach…
Our leaders are made in the image of God and must be careful in everything they say and do.
We are invited to pray for our clergy.
Lord, give them confidence in you.
Give them strength through your grace.
Help us to obey our abbots, to be submissive to them.
They are the ones who watch over our souls and they will give an account, for they are sentinels.
Father, may our parents remain and abide in your presence,
may they know that you are God and that their destinies are in your hands.
Pray for your pastors.
1 Peter 1:15 – But since he who called you is holy, you also must be holy in all your conduct, as it is written:
1 Peter, 1:16 – You shall be holy, for I am holy.
We cannot decide to walk in the presence of God and not be upright and pure in heart.
It is not possible to serve God with other motives.
If the Lord has chosen us for his inheritance
he expects us to relay his presence in righteousness and holiness.
Good morning brothers and sisters
Good day to you

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