My Month Of Integrity! Ps119:1

Generosity means thinking of others,
It means giving to others,
It means accepting to lose something,
it’s altruism…
It’s reaching out,
it’s about sharing what you have.
We all say that it’s because of our good hearts that we find ourselves in situations where we feel that we are so generous that people abuse it.
But let’s ask ourselves if we are really ready to give our time, our love and our smile to our neighbour without expecting anything.
In any case, the Lord has set us an example: he did not hesitate to give his only son,
his most important one,
his strength so that we might be his people.
He did not have several sons,
he did not have several alternatives,
he didn’t have several plans, he only had one possibility,
to choose to sacrifice all that was most precious to him.
Generosity isn’t about giving what’s left over,
It’s not giving away what we no longer need,
Nor does it mean making gestures of mockery or domination.
The Bible tells us that the giver is above the receiver, that’s automatic.
If we are among those who know only how to receive,
we are weak, helpless, dominated, slaves…
We are naturally selfish, so giving is not something that necessarily comes spontaneously. That’s why the Lord asks us to practise it, to cultivate it, to educate ourselves, to perfect this action.
It’s a process, it’s learned.
It’s not according to race, our relationships, our conditions… that we should support others,
we always have something to give…
Generosity is not advertising.
One day, people went on television to show their works,
to elevate themselves, to expect acclaim…
And next to them, a mother had nothing to eat,
she had nothing to wear, but she still gave the last coin she had with love and integrity.
And it was she whom the Lord greeted and blessed…
We still talk about this woman today.
Let’s stop finding justifications for not contributing to the lives of our loved ones,
let’s stop saying that the Lord knows that if we had, we would have changed the world…
Everyone always has something that can satisfy and encourage a soul.
We are therefore called and invited to sit down and rethink our attitudes and behaviours that may be detrimental to our Christian life.
Proverbs, 19:22 – The best thing about a man is his kindness, and a poor man is better than a liar.
Pray to practice unrestrained generosity.
A person’s charm lies in his love,
in the way he thinks about others,
in the actions they take…
It’s the things they do that make them attractive, otherwise they won’t attract anyone, they won’t have a life.
There’s no point in making commitments and letting a bad reputation stick to us.
Our hands and mouths must be pure in front of Yaya.
So let’s go for it…
Let’s all stand up and influence the world with the salt that it is.
Hello village
Good day to you

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