My Month Of Blooming! Es54:2

What are our expectations at the Lord’s feet this season?
What are the things that make us sigh?
What are the real desires of our hearts right now?
Let us lay them before the Lord this morning?
Let’s write them down today and let Almighty God show us his glory.
Anna longed to have a child,
she was tired of Penina’s mortifications,
she was tired of being singled out in the street,
her stigma was hard to bear,
she was a disgrace to her family.
At first, she told herself that it would be all right,
her testimony would soon be on her doorstep.
She had her husband’s support,
she had his love,
she was his favourite.
In fact, she was the one who received the double portion.
And for years, she stood on her pride to defy those around her, knowing that the blessing would come.
After a while,
she realised that the love of her husband was not enough,
beauty is fleeting without the obvious,
happiness is limited without work.
At her side was her co-wife, who never failed to remind her of her infirmity.
Only seeing Penina underlined Anne’s sterility.
Before continuing, we would like to point out that Penina means jewel, pearl and Anne means grace.
How can grace bow down before jewels?
We are talking about children of God, Christians, who pray like us, fast like us, read their Bibles perhaps like us, who respected the Lord’s principles, who honoured his Holy Name.
Anne waited for her miracle until she began to tire her darling,
she began to upset the balance of her household with accusations.
The Bible tells us that one day Anne realised that if she did nothing, nothing would be done.
If she doesn’t change her prayer strategy, her story will always be tainted by mockery.
If she doesn’t make a sacrifice, she won’t activate her breakthrough.
If she doesn’t strip herself of her carnal security, confidence and comfort, she will continue to waste her time and God will still be on his throne.
In her distress, she called on her God,
she opened her heart,
she touched the hem of Jesus’ garment,
she made a vow and the light came.
She received her Samuel.
This is our year of distinction,
this is the year we want to receive the wedding, the trip, the promotion… and soon the year is going to end without our gift.
We’re worried, we’re devastated, we’re afraid…
But what have we done to unleash the glory of God?
What covenant have we made with our Yaweh to open our heaven?
Brothers and Sisters, the God of impossibilities is here today.
Our hope will not be in vain if we are also prepared to force Yaya to take a look at our case.
Those expectations that we have placed in our cupboards,
those aspirations we’ve put away because everything is dark.
It is possible to be fulfilled this season.
We will lose nothing of our heritage,
we will miss nothing of our possessions.
Let us not lose hope,
Our God is at work, he will certainly visit us.
Job, 4:7 – Search your memory: who is the innocent who has perished? Who are the righteous who have been exterminated?
Pray that your hope may not vanish.
We are good at forgetting the wonders of the Lord.
As soon as everything goes wrong, we forget that we have experienced his grace, his help.
No one truly serves God and remains empty-handed.
That’s why we need to remember our past testimonies.
We must have faith, trust in God and stand before God.
God will never allow his children to be destroyed, he is a just God and at the appointed time he will show his glory.
Good day to you all
Good day to you all

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