My Month Of Blooming! Es54:2

In God’s programme, we must not be stagnant,
we are not to stay in one place.
It is planned that those who serve God will know the evidence,
it is planned that at some point the world will long for the revelation of the sons.
We must experience change,
we must experience evolution,
we must relate our experiences,
we must give good testimony.
The Bible clearly tells us that we will be recognised by our fruits, by our works.
Our blessings must speak for themselves,
they must attract others,
they must influence and build destinies.
To be a tree planted by a stream of water, we must trust in God.
Water is life,
is the Holy Spirit and if we are attached to the word of God,
our leaves will always be green because we are rooted in the light so that we can stand firm when circumstances are not to our advantage.
Psalms, 92:13 – The righteous grow like the palm tree, They rise like the cedar of Lebanon.
Fast and pray for an evolving social status.
The righteous man is compared to a tree that grows and rises magnificently.
The palm tree = fertility, depth, resistance to bad weather.
To grow means to prosper or succeed; to be in a state of activity,
to reach a certain level of development or influence.
The cedar of Lebanon and the palm tree are very tall trees, despite the many winds they receive,
they do not bend.
To be righteous is to have a good standing before God.
In the same way, a person who is righteous before God is deeply rooted in the Word of God and in communion with the Holy Spirit.
They bear fruits worthy of repentance throughout their lives, because they have turned away from sin.
This person is a source of blessing for others, whatever the time or place.
Because they remain faithful to their commitment to God, even in the worst moments of life. After they have left this earth, their good name continues to inspire others for the glory of God.
May God help us to be such people.
So let us not be a tree that withers or fails to bear fruit in times of drought, but let us spread our roots, place our trust in God, and meditate on his Word.
Good day and may God bless us richly.

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