My Month Of Blooming! Es54:2

Let’s listen and listen carefully.
God created us for greatness.
To be what God has called us to be, we also need to make good decisions.
God is huge,
the whole universe cannot contain him,
so we must free ourselves from any limitations that prevent us from fulfilling our destiny.
When Moses was chosen by God to be the liberator of the people of Israel, he panicked.
He didn’t hesitate to ask God to choose someone else in his place,
he didn’t feel capable of carrying out the mission God had entrusted to him.
At one point, he was even overwhelmed by the situation.
Beloved, the feeling of incapacity is too hard to live with,
The spirit of limitation is a yoke that the Lord wants to remove from our lives.
When the Lord sees that we can fulfil ourselves
we find that we can never do it,
that what is asked of us is too difficult for us…
This can happen to all of us when we are faced with new responsibilities,
a new job or an important turning point in our lives.
We let circumstances dominate our thoughts too much.
Let’s stop limiting the Holy Spirit,
many of us are like the Israelites who will not enter the promised land because we let ourselves be intimidated by the sons of Anak,
we focused on their appearances,
we let ourselves be seduced by their beauty,
we were influenced by their positions…
And we ourselves have built up blockages,
the frustrations,
the opposition,
opposition… which set their limits for us and tell us what to do.
Brothers and Sisters, God says that this is our month of blossoming.
Blooming = flowering, birth, blossoming,
manifestation, appearance,
The Lord does not need us to be other people,
he says that even if we are the smallest of the smallest tribe,
is no reason for our stagnation.
He advises us to set off and go for it with the little strength we have,
everything we have counts,
the authority we have,
the grace we have, the anointing we have,
the faith we have… and we will discover that we are in fact valiant heroes.
So friends, it’s not fear that the Lord has given us,
let us clothe ourselves with courage and boldness if we want to live out the promises of the season.
John, 14:12 – Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in me, the works that I do he will do also, and greater works than these he will do, because I go to the Father;
Pray that you will not limit yourself to your abilities and experiences.
When Yaweh signs a verse like that, when he affirms and confirms, he puts his seal on it.
It’s non-negotiable, it’s a warning that can help us or bury us.
So, if we want to fly like eagles, and be lions of the forest,
all we have to do
is believe in him and trust his promises.
The Lord needs to know that he can trust us in order to entrust us with his last secrets,
He doesn’t want children who prostitute themselves every chance they get,
He wants sons, those who are positioned and who can carry the torch further.
According to the Lord’s programme, we are supposed to spread out further than he does,
He wants us to excel in order to enter his kingdom.
Lord, we are grateful for the awakening you offer us again this morning.
May your name be exalted.
Good morning church
Good day to you

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