My Month Of Humility! Matt18:4

When the temple of the Lord was built,
When the house where the Lord was to dwell was built.
Everyone was overjoyed, it’s true, but something important also happened.
Solomon dedicated this place to the Lord and made a covenant.
This place was not only a place where God had put his name, his throne, his presence, it was also an address.
Solomon was aware that God did not reside in a building, but in this temple, man could bow down before the Eternal and offer him sacrifices, pray and obtain forgiveness.
It was not only a house of prayer for Israel but for all peoples who came from everywhere to pray there would be heard.
A man stood in the gap for a church, for a people, and the Lord agreed.
Fire came down from heaven and burnt up all the sacrifices.
And God’s presence filled the temple.
It became a place set apart, a place reserved for services considered sacred.
This morning, the Lord wants us to pray for our ministries, and this is our first intercession of the year.
Let’s not take it lightly, we’ve neglected the things that are valuable in God’s eyes,
we have brought pollution onto our altars,
we have strayed from the path the Lord had laid out for us.
We are in our places of worship with no real attachment, no covenant,
our spirits are absent and we think the sanctuary is ordinary.
God’s spirit is no longer welcomed.
We stand on the altar and tell lies,
the fear of the Lord is diluted and the people feel abused, exploited, used.
It’s also our fault, we don’t pray for our ministries.
We don’t take the time to be in God’s presence and we have left this intercession to the pastor and his leaders.
The Bible tells us that when two or three come together, the Lord is there.
What was the day we got together to pray and fast for God to change the face of our church?
What was that moment when we prayed for the Lord to make his glory shine and give us a humble heart that serves and fears him?
Here is an opportunity Yaweh is giving us to put things right,
He is telling us to go back to our posts and together eradicate the disorder, the pride that sits in the midst of the body of Christ.
Isaiah, 38:15 – What shall I say? He has answered me, and heard me. I will walk humbly until the end of my years, after I have been afflicted in this way.
Fast and pray for the RMI
What else can we say when the Lord is always faithful?
When we make a supplication to him, he always fulfils it.
When we have fallen on hard times and the Lord has come to our rescue,
Beloved, one thing is certain, we will remain attached to this God,
the memory of his grace will keep us constantly connected to his presence.
What more can we say when God has healed us and all the enemy’s programmes are doomed to failure?
All we can do is say thank you and remain faithful to him.
Good day to you all
Good day to you all

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