My Month Of Humility! Matt18:4

The first sentence of the whole Bible in the beginning, God.
God is the beginning and God is the end, so if we don’t make God comfortable in our beginnings, we risk going into free fall.
Not everyone can begin.
Starting requires courage, strength, boldness, perseverance…
Starting is not a decision we have to share, otherwise many people will want to draw our attention to the risks.
Starting is attached to a grace, an anointing, an atmosphere, an energy…
How many of us have started and not finished?
How many have become discouraged along the way at the slightest difficulty?
How many have given up because no one supported them?
How many have refused to pay the price to reach their high places?
And how many people became arrogant and proud when God blessed their hands?
Starting out is sometimes full of disappointment but not a reason to leave the scene.
Some people are enthusiastic when they start, they have zeal and motivation, but they want instant results without much effort.
Beloved, it took time for the Lord to create, the world we see, the earth we enjoy was not built in a day.
The Lord spoke, he tried, he modified, he adjusted and with time, he himself saw that he was going somewhere, he saw that his project took shape and he loved it.
He didn’t sit back, he worked hard to make sure we were well off.
The Bible says that the earth was unformed and empty.
The beginning is always formless and empty.
To the eye, it makes no sense,
To the touch, it’s feverish,
To the sense of smell, it’s disgusting.
No one covets it, no one wants to hear about it.
If God was diligent, disciplined and enduring in the beginning, who can discourage us?
Do we think that God did not experience resistance, tribulations and trials?
Can we know why we don’t dare to start this project that the Lord has given us?
If God was not discouraged at the beginning, then no one has the power to demotivate us.
Samuel did not know that he would be a powerful, special prophet with a pure heart.
He was a prophet incredibly used by God but he remained humble.
In the beginning, he couldn’t tell the difference between God’s voice and his father’s voice.
He had to learn to hear God’s voice, listen to it and obey it.
We all have to start somewhere and put our trust in God, that’s the key to our destiny.
Let us not be forgetful, let us not neglect our starting points.
Let’s stop trying to despise our origins.
Yesterday, we were not the firm, upright Christians we are today.
We went forward, we stood firm and the Lord visited us.
David was not always a warrior, a man of weapons and swords.
It was in the fields that he had his experiences, it was behind his father’s sheep that he received the grace of confrontation.
It was when no one knew him that the Lord built him up and prepared him for battle.
It was from there that royalty located him, it was in the service that the Lord had assigned to him that he made a name for himself.
The man who yesterday was rejected by everyone has become an indispensable star of war and royalty.
Let us always remember where the Lord picked us up, otherwise pride will reign.
Our instruction this morning is well defined.
2 Samuel, 7:8 – Now you shall say to my servant David, Thus says the Lord of hosts: I have taken you from the pasture behind the sheep to be ruler over my people, over Israel;
Pray that you don’t forget your little beginnings.
Good day to you all
Good day to you

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