My Month Of Humility! Matt18:4

Lord, you are perfect.
Everything about you is perfect.
You are my refuge, you are our strength.
You are the one who changes everything.
We are so grateful for your presence in our lives.
Yesterday we were without a vision and you delivered us from it.
Yesterday we were lost, and you found us.
Yesterday we were afflicted and you healed us.
Yesterday, we were without identity, without landmarks, you positioned us and crowned us.
We want to thank you for taking us out of the prisons we were in,
We are grateful to you because you have lifted the stigma of the curse from us.
We thank you because you have protected us every day,
you were with us every day.
You have protected us from death, from accidents, from curses…
Our hearts adore you this morning,
Our lives prostrate before you.
We were nothing, you washed us and helped us.
Our words cannot express your sovereignty and power.
You are unique.
You are the true one.
You are glory, glory, glory…
You are Holy, Holy, Holy…
You have no equal.
Your throne is invincible.
Thank you Yaya.
We are slowly emerging from our month of humility, and on this day you want us to know that humility is adoration, it is the expression of our love, it is the glorious recognition of your kingship.
We are right at your feet, drawing and drinking living water like the Samaritan woman.
To this woman, you revealed yourself.
Give us the privilege of having the revelation of who you really are.
We want to be those workers who are completely submissive to you.
So Father, may the testimony we have of you, may our contact or our encounter with you sprinkle us with a fresh oil that will dispose us to your service.
And she who had a bad reputation became a servant of the Lord.
She who was an unbeliever and a sinner became an evangelist.
She who did not deserve life has been qualified by the Lord.
Humility speeds up blessing.
The Bible tells us in John
*Then the woman left her pitcher and went into the city and said to the people, “Come and see a man who is my friend.
*Come and see a man who has told me all that I have done; is it not Christ?
*They went out of the city and came to him.
By giving up everything she owned, she gave priority to the Lord.
She realised that the riches of the world would prevent her from fulfilling her destiny, and she recognised the greatness of Christ,
she shared with others
she bore witness to the love that does not judge.
And a whole village repented and became children of God.
May our words and deeds lift up our Lord so that many may return home.
Genesis, 32:1 – Jacob went on his way, and the angels of God met him.
Express your gratitude to the Lord by acknowledging his greatness in your life.
Jacob is powerless,
alone with his wife and children.
He must obey the Lord’s command to return to the land of his fathers.
The Bible says that the Lord had assigned angels to protect him and as soon as the Lord opened the eyes of his heart, he humbled himself before his face to express his gratitude for his faithfulness.
In this season, let’s allow humility to be our goal.
Good day to you all
Good day

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