My Month Of Humility! Matt18:4

Beloved, it’s very easy for each of us to talk about love, but putting it into practice is a different kettle of fish.
It’s normal for us to say “I love you” or to write it down, but it’s complicated to express it in deeds.
Every time we’re happy
we say so many nice things but when someone disappoints us, or betrays us,
we become aggressive,
we make decisions,
we want that person to be humiliated, broken.
We want them to feel the same frustrations.
We want revenge…
We distance ourselves,
We don’t want to go near them,
we don’t want to pray with her or for her,
We just want to say to ourselves that we lack love.
We are ready to bear false witness and abandon our loved ones in difficult situations in order to protect ourselves, even though they are the very people we claim to love.
Jesus asked Peter three times if he loved him and the answer was yes.
The man who loved Jesus and was prepared to die for him did not hesitate to deny him in order to protect himself.
Lack of love leads to cowardice,
Lack of love is a refusal to forgive.
Jesus was aware of Judah’s betrayal and Peter’s denial, but he still shared the table with them,
he still washed his disciples’ feet.
He chose unity and love.
It’s an example, it’s a lesson.
Ephesians 4:2 – with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love,
Show love to all.
How much longer do we have to put up with them?
As long as it takes to learn to show love with gentleness, humility and patience.
Showing love to others with humility means knowing your limits,
it means finding the right, gentle words and, above all, taking the time to act.
We are invited to love one another.
Good day to you all
Have a good day

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