My Month Of Strengthening! Ps125:1

We celebrate and exalt you, Lord.
You are our strength and our security.
Serving you is all we really need, we give you every praise, Eternal One.
You have been pleased to stop us at this time of year to make us understand that the prosperity of 2025 depends on our becoming stronger.
You want us to be distinguished, qualified, vigilant, prudent and determined in our walk with you, and you have freed up our spiritual and material capacities to help us get there.
And for that, we give you all the glory.
On many occasions we did not deserve it, but your love favoured us,
many times when we were in distress, you helped us.
Even when men rejected us, you made us sit in high places.
You are a faithful God,
You are an exceptional father,
You are an effective partner.
And that’s what Solomon understood: he knew that trusting you and clinging to you was his guarantee of a stable kingdom.
David, his father, was a man of combat, always fighting for peace.
When Solomon acceded to the throne, he had to make a sacrifice to the Lord to implore wisdom in order to be worthy of his position.
The Bible tells us that his brother Adonijah grew proud and wanted to take the place of his father, who was still alive.
He conspired against the king.
When Solomon begins his reign, the Lord gives him rest.
Again Adonijah has returned with a new plot, he wants the wife of David, his father who was his nurse.
In this ruse, Solomon is careful.
We just want to tell ourselves that when we have put our trust in God, he alerts us to the plots of our enemies and lifts up our heads.
The adversary will always seek to trouble us in order to rob us of our glory,
But if we are built on Christ, we shall not be moved, because the Lord protects and defends us.
1 Kings 2:12 – Solomon sat on the throne of his father David, and his reign was very strong.
Pray that the Lord will strengthen you in your position of honor.
When the Lord puts his mark of distinction on us, he qualifies us no matter what the turbulence.
Good morning to you all
Good day to you

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