My Month Of Proclamation! Deut32:3

Another opportunity to talk about God’s faithfulness.
Another day to celebrate the Lord’s name for the life he has given us again.
Father, we are so grateful for your love.
For this morning, we want to invite ourselves to more communion with God.
The church today is like the lamps of the foolish virgins, they are extinguished.
It is too distracted, concentrating on the seductions of the world rather than keeping watch so as not to miss the rendezvous with the bridegroom.
Darkness covers our environment, darkness has kept us in a state of blindness where we no longer have any discernment.
Let us not be discouraged, let us not be downcast,
it is possible to turn back on our ways and the Lord will forgive us.
The church is asleep but the Lord has a message of hope for his people.
The church is empty but we can be lights that reflect Jesus Christ,
we need to wake up and be more aware.
We can no longer afford to be soft, lukewarm, cold or dead.
Our churches must be given the fullness of the spirit to withstand the tribulations of this age.
We no longer preach the gospel of sanctification, yet that is the true heart of God and his will.
The world is defiled, full of sin, and it is the word of God that can illuminate the dark hearts of people.
Our role as a church is to point out sin and help people to change their lives.
That’s why the Lord is looking for a church that will make a difference and influence this wicked generation.
Isaiah, 60:1 – Arise and be enlightened, for your light is coming, and the glory of the LORD is rising over you.
Pray for RMI
We are in a bad position, let’s stand up and fight for the truth.
We must shine the light of salvation on all those who hate the light.
Let us go to evangelism and allow the spirit of God to move.
It’s time to get out of this laziness and shine.
Hello everyone
Have a nice day

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