My Month Of Proclamation! Deut32:3

Father, we give you thanks.
Thank you for your presence and for your grace that abound.
Thank you for the inspiration you never cease to give to each one of us.
Having you in our lives has enabled us to move forward with confidence and, above all, to do your will.
With you, we discover the mysteries of the kingdom every day.
Lord, you are our vision, you reveal all things to us,
You have clothed us with a spirit of revelation, and for that we are grateful.
Being light workers exposes us to darkness,
Being surface disciples delivers us to perdition.
Let us lean on you so that we can be children of the deep.
From now on we want to be strengthened; allow us to grow in your word.
The Lord’s revelation sets us apart, distinguishes us from others.
Revelation is the hidden part of God’s word that God allows us to understand.
God’s intentions and thoughts are revealed.
And one day, Pharaoh had a dream that no one could explain, not even all the enchanters in the land.
And the cupbearer remembered Joseph, who carries the spirit of God.
Revelation gives us access to greatness, honour and favour.
God’s inspired wisdom showed Joseph the way and the glory was seen in Egypt.
Acts, 16:36 – And the jailer told Paul, “The magistrates have sent word that you are to be released; now therefore come out and go in peace.
Fast and pray for revelations from the Lord.
Paul and Silas had been thrown into prison and instead of lamenting,
they took a moment of praise and prayer to give thanks and the Lord of righteousness intervened in their situation.
And thanks to the presence of God and the manifestation of God’s spirit, many of them and the jailer too were converted and repented.
Revelation forces our enemies to fear your Jesus.
And that’s how the men of God got their freedom, because they understood that God alone was their defender and he alone could open heaven.
Beloved, let us seek revelation.
Let us yearn for the inspired word of God.
Let us desire it and we will not be lost in this world full of trials.
Good day to you all
Good day to you all

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