My Month Of Proclamation! Deut32:3

Let’s not be naive: not everything that resembles the word of God is a servant of God.
Just because someone is called a servant of God doesn’t mean he is one.
Even if he performs miracles or gives messages from Jesus or even Bible verses, that doesn’t define him as one.
Satan also knows what the Word says and that’s why we have to discern and identify the spirit.
More and more, we accept another gospel that distorts and obscures the Lord’s truth.
Subtly, the true gospel is replaced by the show.
We must know that the gospel is a gift we have received, and we must protect it and proclaim it.
Paul warns the Galatians to examine what is being taught.
Beloved, if the gospel is not preached, another will take its place.
If the gospel is not at the centre of our lives, our families, our ministries, our churches, another message will take its place and become a diluted truth in our hearts.
When we are in contact with the gospel, the Holy Spirit works in us and renews us.
Galatians, 1:9 – We have said it before, and I say it again at this hour: if anyone preaches to you a gospel other than the one you have received, let him be anathema!
Strive to know and proclaim the true gospel.
Let us be careful, there are many false doctrines multiplying.
Many are convinced that they are in the truth, yet they do not serve Jesus of the Bible.
That’s why we need to know God’s Word so that we don’t fall into the enemy’s traps.
It is the lack of knowledge that prevents us from unmasking evil teachings.
So let’s make the effort to get closer to the word of God and let’s proclaim it every day so that it influences our lives.
Good day to you all
Good day to you all

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