My Month Of Proclamation! Deut32:3

If we are witnesses to Jesus Christ, we are disciples and we live for the Master,
we proclaim the gospel,
we do the works he does and we contribute to the advancement of the kingdom of God.
To become a witness is to tell of the Lord’s blessings, to lead a life worthy of the Lord,
it means allowing ourselves to be led by the Holy Spirit in our walk and to be like him.
Talking about our experience with the Lord is an opportunity to share our faith with others.
God’s work of redemption and transformation in our lives is real,
Telling the story of our walk with the Lord shows others how faith works in the lives of those who embrace and welcome the Lord into their hearts.
We have sinned and the Lord has loved us and shown his love in our abandonment and disinterest.
To bear witness to the glory and power of God is to have access to God’s special gifts and to have the privilege of proclaiming the message of Jesus to the world.
This is why it is necessary for the word of God to come alive in our lives in order to experience its true essence, otherwise what is drunk and eaten of the word of God will only be religiosity.
Beloved, let us allow ourselves to be transformed by the renewal of our minds, so that we can discern that this is God’s will.
To be a witness is simply to be able to accept to relate what God has done for us,
to tell without embarrassment the mysteries of God’s glory.
Psalms, 145:11 – They will declare the glory of your kingdom, and proclaim your power,
Pray to become a living witness to God’s glory and power.
Nothing resists in God’s presence.
When God’s manifestation is there, tongues confess the greatness of his name and spread the good news to the world.
Seeing Jesus in action speeds up the witness and leads many to come and seek the one who reigns over everything and everyone.
Good morning to you all
Have a good day!

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