My Month Of Proclamation! Deut32:3

Problems and worries have overtaken our daily lives and prevent us from supporting others.
It is because we lack trust in the Lord that we can doubt and then our hearts are not ready to pray for our leaders.
Very often we neglect God’s servants in our private moments, we don’t bring them before God even though they need it.
Beloved, taking times of fasting and prayer to maintain grace and anointing, to avoid confusion, deserves that many stop to intercede.
We think that organising evangelistic campaigns is just a matter of standing up and speaking the word, but we need to know that the spiritual impact is so great that we cannot touch lives and influence them if the Holy Spirit is not at work.
Our leaders are men with feelings,
they have paid the price for us to be disciples,
They have made sacrifices so that we can have victories, so let us also learn to be grateful to them.
Most of us forget the graces we have, we who have our parents to help and advise us.
In the same way that they devote moments of prayer to us
we in turn must enter God’s presence to present them and implore God’s mercy for their lives and ministries.
And that’s what today’s instruction recommends that we do.
Pray for your shepherds.
Hebrews, 13:7 – Remember your shepherds who preached the word of God to you; consider the end of their lives, and imitate their faith.
Some people don’t even remember who preached the gospel to them and what happened to them.
But the Bible advises us to follow in their footsteps and to love the kingdom of God.
Let us not neglect those who have gone before us,
They are our examples and our models, and their faith will help us to stand firm and continue to trust in the Lord.
Let us pray for our anointed ones so that compromise does not lead them astray.
Good day to you all
Good day to you all

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