My Month Of Gifts! Ps37:4

We want to make one thing known to us this morning.
Giving is for mature people.
To give, you have to reach a level of brokenness, detachment, maturity.
Yes, we are talking about giving away our old things,
our old houses,
our things that are of no use to us.
We are talking about giving as a sacrifice to the Lord,
Something that we like and we are willing to lose it for the Lord.
Giving is a mystery.
The Bible tells us that when Abraham returned from Kedorlaomer victorious, Melchizedek who was then the priest of the Most High God brought bread and wine.
He blessed Abraham and Abraham gave him a tithe of everything.
Let’s imagine ourselves doing the same without calculation,
without telling ourselves that we are enriching the men of God,
without murmuring.
No one asked the man of faith to do this, he just understood how the spiritual kingdom works.
He knew that if he aspires to enter the promise, to be the father of the many,
to be the udder from which many will draw their springs,
he had to rise to the level of the gods.
So we who hold back from doing a valiant deed because times are hard,
We who speak “I have not, God knows”, know that we risk continuing to trample on the spot with our youths and our prayers if we do not step up a gear.
Still the same Abraham was blessed by the Lord, he waited for years to have a son.
In his old age, the Lord fulfils his dream.
No sooner does he want to enjoy the promise, the same Lord tells him to sacrifice him.
It is his only one, the one he loves, but with a bleeding heart, he says to himself that he cannot arm-wrestle with the one who has provided for his womb.
Abraham is aware that he serves a God who knows how to reward and he chooses to satisfy his Father.
Let us not hesitate to give when the Lord asks us to,
Let us not hesitate to take the plunge when it comes to giving.
It is by giving what we have that we get what we need.
Let us be generous.
This is what the Lord expects of us.
Do not hold back from giving.
Proverbs, 18:16 – A man`s gifts widen his way, And give him access to the great.
When we know how to share, favors locate us.
Doors that were closed open by themselves,
The mountains that hindered us are leveled.
And royalty welcomes us.
So, a word to the wise, let us give!
Let generosity be our portion!
Good morning to us
Good day to you

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