My Month Of Consecration! Ps119:10

We still bless your name, we rejoice that every day your love is perfect.
On this second day of our month of consecration, our Lord speaks to us of his fear.
Is he not right to speak to us of consecration?
Is he not right to warn us?
We may go to church,
we read our Bibles, we talk about the gospel, but we’ve come to ask ourselves a question: *Do we fear the Lord?
Everyone is faced with their own reality,
Everyone must be able to answer this question.
It’s easy to say that we are examples,
It’s easy to think that we have integrity, but to fear the Lord is not to turn to the left or to the right.
To fear the Lord is to obey and love him,
It means walking according to his principles,
It means being wise.
How can we claim to fear him and yet do abominable deeds?
How can we claim to fear the Lord but our life choices are chaotic?
Our hearts are dry and empty of love,
Our words are disconnected from sharing and reconciliation.
To fear the Lord
is to have an attitude of reverence towards him, to put him first… to hate evil.
The Bible tells us that Joseph was seduced by his master’s wife.
For him, this was a great evil and a sin against God.
So Joseph refused to sleep with Potiphar’s wife and was thrown into prison for bearing false witness.
But because of his dedication to the Lord,
he was rewarded,
he was given command of the whole land of Egypt.
My friends, the fear of God does not mean being afraid, it just means absolute respect.
It’s what we have to do to make God happy with us.
1 Peter, 1:17 – And if you call on him as Father, who judges every man according to his work, without distinction of persons, conduct yourselves with fear during the time of your pilgrimage,
Pray that the fear of the Lord will never leave you.
If we believe that God is our Father, let us behave well during our stay on earth,
let us live in new and different ways to please God.
Let us only do good while we can.
At the judgement, all those who have not walked according to God’s will, the Lord will also treat without favour, so we who can still rectify our lives,
let us fear the Lord, let us consecrate ourselves and satisfy the heart of the Lord.
Good day to you all
Good day to you all

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