My Month Of Justice! Mal4:2

Obedience is not inherent in us,
we tend always to do as we please,
we want to impose our wills, which are mostly twisted,
We are a stiff-necked people.
We are a stiff-necked people,
we swim in unbelief,
we only know how to rebel and do things that do not please God.
Moses is the leader of the people of Israel,
he is the one the Lord used to lead Israel,
he’s even the one who negotiates with God for these stubborn people.
When we look at the pattern of his walk and sacrifice for Israel,
we can cheer him, we can praise his patience and tolerance but pushed, exasperated by these same people,
discouraged and in an excess of anger,
he did not respect the Lord’s instructions.
The Lord asked him to speak to the rock to bring forth water to quench the thirst of his children,
Moses, exhausted by his ungrateful souls, did not obey the master.
The Lord did not look at the price this servant paid for these people,
he took no account of his weakness,
he did not want to understand that it was Israel’s fault.
Yaweh disqualified Moses from entering the promised land,
he ruled him out of the mission because the leader God expects must be capable of not listening to his flesh,
not to give in to his emotions,
not to fall into the ways of his environment,
All that matters to a leader is the roadmap he has received from his superiors.
That’s what concerns him,
This is what a leader must take pleasure in obeying.
Beloved, obedience to the Lord is not negotiable, it is a command.
Doing God’s will guarantees our peace and rest.
While the others are busy racking their brains to find solutions, our Dad will be fighting for us in the situations that bother us,
he’ll be restoring everything we’ve lost,
he will be putting our lives back in order, why?
We have obeyed,
we agreed to trust him,
we refused to let ourselves be influenced by the things of the world.
That’s what happened with Abraham, he just decided to put his trust in God,
he left everything to let God reign, to let him take control and we saw all the blessings he experienced.
Deuteronomy, 6:25 – We shall have righteousness, if we diligently do all these commandments before the Lord our God, as he has commanded us.
Pray to find pleasure in obeying the commandments of the Lord.
The conditions which the Lord gives us to be our help and our just judge,
is just to obey him and to find pleasure in the things above.
Good day to you
Good day to you

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