My Month Of Accountability! Luke16:10

Some disputes have caused so much damage that we have sometimes ended up regretting them.
But too late, our egos were out of control and we sometimes wanted to be absolutely right.
Looking at the increasing number of divorces, we are sometimes frightened to hear two people who have sworn love and fidelity to each other tear themselves apart.
This couple has no restraint,
They have no shame, no modesty, just strategies to take advantage of each other.
But God, who is the righteous judge, has foreseen the day when each of us will appear before his court.
Let’s imagine ourselves before God’s tribunal, having to give an account of ourselves,
for what we have done with our lives?
Are we righteous in the eyes of the Lord?
We will be judged by our deeds.
2 Corinthians, 5:10 – For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive according to the good or evil he has done in the body.
No one will escape the judgment seat of the Lord.
No one will avoid the jurisdiction of this court; each of us will have to give an account of the way we have led our lives, of our own actions and not those of another.
Shepherds too must give an account for their flock,
they must give an account of the lives of the souls in their care, and this in no way diminishes the responsibility of each believer.
This verse concerns us all, believers and non-believers alike,
we will give an account of our thoughts, our actions, our goals and our desires.
God rewards us according to our works or according to the product of our faith.
Since we are called to give an account to God, we must also refrain from condemning our brothers and sisters; we are called to humility.
For our responsibility is also to look after one another.
Good day to you all
Good day to you all

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