My Month Of Awakening! Rom13:11

We found ourselves in the middle of a favourable environment, with tall buildings surrounding us,
insurance policies are designed to protect us,
the standard of living keeps us comfortable.
We’re relieved because we have some security.
Sometimes we don’t want to go back to where we came from,
sometimes it’s a dark memory from our lives that we don’t want to hear about.
We prefer to forget the precarious situation we were in.
But do we know that the Lord has only shown us grace by changing our position?
Do we realise that God in his mercy protects us from the dangers of the country in which we find ourselves?
And that’s why we have to be careful.
We were more sensitive,
more connected to the presence of God when we were in our countries, but since we have found ourselves in what is a glory in our eyes,
we’ve become gripped by a spirit of softness.
We are no longer interested in the things of the Lord,
we no longer have time to pray and go to church,
we neglect reading our Bible,
we get bored when we have to take part in a time of prayer.
It’s as if we’ve reached our goal, as if we no longer need the Jesus who has carried us up to now,
as if we have nothing more to expect from the Lord.
Let us not allow our territory to dictate to us its norms, which are a brake on our spiritual development.
Let us not allow our nation to extinguish the zeal and light that once shone in us.
Let us not allow this corner to separate and detach us from the presence of God.
No matter how far we may have strayed from the Lord, he is always ready to welcome us,
Even if we have disobeyed and done wrong, he is able to restore us.
The Lord’s forgiveness and favour are always available if we decide to change our ways.
Pray for your Nation.
2 Chronicles, 7:14 – If my people, on whom my name is called, will humble themselves, pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, – then I will hear them from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
The Lord wants a people who are awake,
a church on its feet.
And when the Lord speaks to us of spiritual awakening, he is not referring to evangelism or conversion alone, he is talking about a renewal of obedience to God.
God awakens those who belong to him,
who are still alive but either asleep or lukewarm and in danger of being vomited out or ready to die.
The verse speaks of the house of God which must manifest the power and spiritual gifts activated by the Holy Spirit.
Good day to you all
Good day to you all

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