My Month Of Integrity! Ps119:1

Thank you Lord for your renewed grace this morning.
We are grateful.
Our meditation today is yet another cry from the Lord’s heart to us.
Let us be aware of who we are and not attach ourselves to things that can leave us with a bad odour,
let us preserve our field from the rottenness of the world.
1 Corinthians, 3:16 – Do you not know that you are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?
Pray to maintain your body in Integrity.
The verse that concerns us today is a question addressed to us?
Do we even know who we are?
Do we realise that we are not just anyone?
What is a temple?
It is the house of the Lord,
it is the place where the name of the Lord is invoked,
a place where the power and grace of the Holy Spirit are manifested,
it is our assembly, it is our church,
it is the place where the spirit of God dwells,
it is the place of holiness,
it is the seat of God’s presence,
It is a place of sacrifice,
it’s the dwelling place of our Yaweh…
It is a holy place, a place of glory,
It is a secure kingdom…
So we must treat it with respect,
we must maintain it with love and purity.
God compares us to his temple and we must recognise that each temple has its own model,
each temple is different from the other,
no two temples are alike, but they are built for the same purpose.
We are therefore the temple of the Holy Spirit, we are different from other people, our body is a temple for our spirit.
God does not live in houses made by human hands.
God built his own house, and that house is us.
Let us not forget that we have been redeemed at a priceless price,
we are united to Christ in the same spirit, we belong totally to the Lord.
To become the temple in which the Holy Spirit will dwell, we must allow a work of transformation to take place in our hearts.
Let us remain pure,
let us be vessels of honour, useful in the hands of the Lord.
If we Christians understood what a grace it is to have the Holy Spirit within us, we would be happier, less anxious, and more confident,
we would be happier, less worried and more determined to lead a holy or consecrated life.
Having the Holy Spirit within us renews our intelligence so that we are able to receive and understand God’s revelation,
The Holy Spirit inspires us,
he intercedes for us,
he gives us life… but he does not tolerate lies.
So let us live in sanctification and consecration,
let the Holy Spirit lead us into truth, protect us…
We are the mark of the Lord’s possession,
he has engraved his seal on us.
So let’s lead!
Hello church
Good day to you

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