My Month Of Integrity! Ps119:1

Lord, we bless you and we lift you up.
A new day is upon us,
a day of sunshine and calm.
We are grateful to the Lord for his faithfulness.
Again today, we have a word from the Lord, and we must not be ignorant of the instructions that the Lord keeps giving us.
We must take care of our Christian walk, we must improve our relationship with the Lord,
we must learn to stand by our words,
we must not be vascillating men, we must not be people who neglect God’s instructions.
This morning Yaweh draws our attention to unjust riches,
on the treasures acquired through wickedness.
The Lord insists that we be people of integrity.
What we have received fraudulently does not benefit us in any way.
The story of Zacchaeus is an illustration of this.
He was a rich chief publican.
Publicans were seen as people who betrayed their nation for material gain because they collected money from the Jews to give to the Romans.
Lord, we bless you and we lift you up.
A new day is upon us,
a day of sunshine and calm.
We are grateful to the Lord for his faithfulness.
Again today, we have a word from the Lord, and we must not be ignorant of the instructions that the Lord keeps giving us.
We must take care of our Christian walk, we must improve our relationship with the Lord,
we must learn to stand by our words,
we must not be vascillating men, we must not be people who neglect God’s instructions.
This morning Yaweh draws our attention to unjust riches,
on the treasures acquired through wickedness.
The Lord insists that we be people of integrity.
What we have received fraudulently does not benefit us in any way.
The story of Zacchaeus is an illustration of this.
He was a rich chief publican.
Publicans were seen as people who betrayed their nation for material gain because they collected money from the Jews to give to the Romans.
This is how salvation entered the house of Zacchaeus, radically changing his system of reasoning.
Zacchaeus believed in the Lord and repented.
He gave half his possessions to the poor,
he made amends fourfold,
he repaid all those he had extorted…
Before his encounter with Jesus, Zacchaeus was greedy and a fraud.
Once his heart was transformed by the Lord’s love and forgiveness, he became generous and honest.
Proverbs 10:2 – The treasures of wickedness do not profit, but righteousness delivers from death.
Pray to acquire wealth in truth and righteousness.
Wealth obtained through greed and dishonesty has little lasting value,
Righteousness is a precious treasure.
Lord, make us righteous in your sight.
Work justice in us so that it will be a blessing and an influence for generations to come.
Thank you, Father.
May the glory be yours!
Good morning to us
Good day to you

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