My Month Of Blooming! Es54:2

Sanctifying ourselves means setting ourselves apart for God.
It also means turning away from all evil and purifying oneself from all forms of defilement.
The Bible in the book of 1 Thessalonians 4:7 lets us know God’s will,
It reveals the mind of God, which is our sanctification.
He wants us to have a pure heart and honest thoughts.
Sin stands in the way of the life God wants for us.
Lack of sanctification deprives us of God’s presence.
One day, the children of Israel committed an unfaithful act with regard to the forbidden things.
Achan had taken the forbidden things and the anger of the Lord was kindled against the children of Israel.
Joshua sent men from Jericho to spy out and explore Ai.
When they returned, those who had gone on the mission came to tell Joshua that it was pointless to deploy so many men to fight and conquer Ai.
They were calm.
Just a few were enough to do the job.
The Bible tells us that Ai, which was a small people, defeated Israel to such an extent that Israel fled.
This was a great shame for Israel, which had just taken possession of Jericho, and Joshua was so angry that he went to consult God.
God advised Joshua to make an enquiry to find the reason why Israel was unable to resist its enemies.
*Rise up and sanctify the people.
*Sanctify yourselves for the morning.
In other words, let’s question ourselves,
search and investigate in our homes and in our hearts…
Surely there is some infamy among us,
hidden greed,
dishonest gain,
some serious filth…
We cannot progress, advance, pass on to our neighbour if we do not resolve this situation in our families,
in our hearts,
in our homes.
This is how Achan will be unmasked.
God made the difference between the innocent and the guilty.
Sin is taken away and Ai lives…
Beloved, sanctification allows God to defend us and to put new songs in our mouths.
Job, 17:9 – But the righteous man stands firm in his way; he who has clean hands grows stronger all the time.
Fast and pray to strengthen yourself in the way of sanctification.
The righteous is he who does God’s will, he who is upright, he who does good.
No matter what trials and storms lie before him, he is positioned,
he is attached to the Lord and trusts him.
He doesn’t need to look around anxiously to find himself in sin; he clings to the Lord’s promises.
Pure hands = innocent, upright, true hands…
It is the state of our hearts that is pure,
it is our thoughts that are not defiled in order to give worship to the Lord.
Lord, enable us to live in sanctification and separate us from everything that holds us captive.
Hello people of God
Good day to you

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