My Month Of Blooming! Es54:2

When the Lord speaks to us about blossoming, it’s to warn us against stagnation, backwardness, delay, devaluation…
He expects us in this season to be active, moving, alive, making progress…
It is not to our advantage to resist or not to run with the divine vision,
so it’s in all our interests to blend in and align ourselves with spiritual principles.
For the first eight months of the year,
we stood still,
we found excuses to justify our laziness,
some of us have blamed our families, but it’s our fault,
we don’t want to dance to the rhythm of heaven.
Beloved, Jephthah was not born with a golden spoon; it was not easy for him.
Born of a prostitute, Jephthah had his origins drummed into his ears every day,
He was constantly reminded that he was a failure, a disgrace.
It was his own brothers who brought opprobrium and rejection upon him, to the point where he was chased out of the family home by members of his own family.
They judged that Jephthah did not deserve to inherit their house,
that Jephthah was an illegitimate child who did not have the same rights as them.
Despite Jephthah’s abilities and skills as a valiant hero, he was humiliated.
The Bible tells us that Jephthah left his father’s house and went on excursions with the common people.
One day, the sons of Ammon rose up to wage war against Israel.
Finding themselves threatened, the elders of Gilead sought out Jephthah in the land of Tob to return as their leader to fight their enemies.
Brothers and Sisters, when grace locates us, the Lord disposes our adversaries to lift us up.
When grace intervenes on our behalf, we no longer see obstacles as a limitation.
Jephthah did not cross his arms and mope about his situation,
he didn’t go back to Egypt because things were difficult for him,
he continued to hone the strength that the Lord had given him,
he continued to put his energy and strategies at the service of others,
He continued to cling to God, to grow like the palm tree and to rise like the cedar of Lebanon.
He was rooted in the word of God wherever he was,
he flourished in the courts of his God,
he bore fruit,
full of sap and green.
And when the time came
his activity spread,
its fame grew and its foliage remained green.
Church, trials do not allow us to give up.
On the contrary, we must redouble our efforts,
regenerate our hearts…
You don’t get up in the morning and hope to be firm and brave,
you have to prepare for it,
it must be nurtured,
it’s cultivated with the Holy Scriptures.
We cannot enlarge the space of our tents if we are not diligent, motivated, concentrated and disciplined…
Let’s do what we have to do quickly and efficiently.
A diligent person experiences multiplication,
his soul is satiated and his thoughts are focused on abundance.
Let’s choose the right portion, my friends!
Let’s make good decisions!
Let’s experience God’s blessings in our daily lives.
It is in this attitude of diligence that our harvest will be fruitful and productive, so let’s sow his love, his truth, his joy, his peace, his courage…
Proverbs, 12:24 – The hand of the diligent will rule, but the hand of the slack will be dependent.
Pray to remain active.
Effort and perseverance are the weapons with which we must work.
He who is diligent is wise, far-sighted and influential, while the fool will always be in debt.
Let us be fools for God and for the body of Christ and the reward will blossom.
Hello village
Good day to you

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