My Month Of Strengthening! Ps125:1

We want to present our country to the Lord, that’s very important.
Let’s not say that the Lord is going to do something because we’ve prayed too much.
Let us not say that the country is going badly and that it is no longer possible.
Beloved, the Lord can.
The people are desperate, they are suffering, but we have come to tell ourselves that I am he who is wants to change the history of the nation.
We have called on him, we have put our trust in him and he has heard our cries,
he knows our pain.
God, who worked for our fathers, is always there to do us good.
What gives us strength and assurance is the time of reference.
God is not interested in the division of time; he is not interested in distinctions.
He is interested in the now.
The Lord can change the level of our priorities and our faith.
We’ve focused too much of our energy on what our eyes have seen and what our ears have heard,
It has confused us and put us into a system of thinking.
The enemy cannot continue to break up our territory, our dreams.
He cannot continue to manipulate our children, he cannot continue to keep us under his yoke.
That’s why we have to stand up as one and call on our Yaya, that’s why we have to invite God to reign in our environment.
Yaweh must take control of our words and actions.
The word of God must be spread and it must secure our connection with the Lord.
Pray for your nation.
1 Chronicles, 29:18 – O Lord, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel, our fathers, keep these thoughts and attitudes in the hearts of your people for ever, and establish their hearts in you.
Every nation must have an everlasting covenant with the Lord.
From generation to generation, the revelation of the Lord must endure and intervene on earth so that we are a people who know their God and act with firmness.
Good day to you all
Good day to you

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