Mon Mois de Bienveillance ! Jn15 :12

It is true that the Lord asks us to give according to what we have resolved in our hearts, but when he reflects on our hearts, he sees sadness or regret in our giving, the gift loses its spiritual value.
Giving out of compulsion, giving to attract applause is not approved by God.
We must understand that giving is not a sacrifice, it is a seed.
When we sow liberally, when we give generously, the harvest is great.
We believe that we will be happy when we have everything we want.
We miss our blessings because of our selfishness, we always want to receive from others without ever sharing anything.
The enemy always wants us to believe that we are not qualified to help our neighbor,
The Lord invites us to adopt a good attitude, that of a person who gives and who blesses those around him.
Giving your time and knowledge, visiting a hospitalized person, a smile, love, a word of encouragement all create a positive impact around us.
Let’s stop asking what others can do for us, let’s worry about what we can bring to others.
Don’t expect anything from others, let’s give and be blessed.
We must realize that we are a blessing to others.
The widow of Serepta sowed in the life of Elijah the prophet and she was abundantly blessed, she gave food to Elijah and she did not lack any more during the famine.
Giving is a ministry, giving invites God, giving opens the way.
Cornelius feared God, he did good around him, and that attracted the favor of God.
In Proverbs, 22: 9 – A man whose gaze is kind will be blessed, because he gives of his bread to the poor.
Fast and pray to always give generously and cheerfully.
We encourage ourselves to give, to sow by words, by deeds, by prayers.
Let us live in generosity, let us live to give.
It’s our goal, it’s our reason for living.
Hello here
Have a good day

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