My Month Of Praises! He13:15

Our Lord is omnipotent and all-powerful.
His power is infinite and unlimited, God is capable of doing everything.
Can we explain creation?
He created heaven and earth from the word.
He breathed life into Adam,
He created the wind, the water, the stars and the planets.
He created the whole universe.
He made the way through the Red Sea,
the Bible tells us that God blew with impetuosity all night long and dried up the waters and split them.
Is this not a miracle?
The Egyptians who were pursuing them were panic-stricken by the Lord.
The Lord distorted the wheels of the Egyptians’ chariots and they had great difficulty driving them.
And it was always the Lord who put back the sea that had split open.
1 Chronicles, 16:25 – For the Lord is great, and greatly to be praised; He is awesome above all gods;
Praise the Lord for his Omnipotence.
Many of us do not recognise the greatness of God,
we will have no excuse to ignore it because Christ will come in his splendour and majesty to claim his place of authority.
We don’t have to wait for everyone to bow down before him,
we have the privilege of giving him honour and praise,
we who are blessed to know the Saviour.
Let us praise him for his goodness, honour him with our words and deeds,
and speak of him to those who follow us.
Our Lord has not changed and his power is invincible.
He is able, so let us submit to his authority.
Good day to you all
Good day to you

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