My Month of Authority!Luke10:19

God is sovereign authority, his supremacy suffers from nothing, neither condition nor limit.
He entrusted his power to some people to whom he gave certain responsibilities. He knew that we needed to hierachize and plan things to avoid anarchy.
Authority goes with submission, one calls the other, one directs and the other follows. It happens to us at one time, we use this authority to empty others, to make others our toys, we are aware that we are listened to, respected, imposing and we allow ourselves to flout the rules, to dilute our power with what is called pride. Pride is wanting to take the place of God, it is the flesh that contains bad desires and takes us away from God, it is the refusal to depend on God and to submit to him, that is the root of God. peach. We can see it even in our churches, that God uses a man of God, the wings grow, an intense protocol, he does not speak anymore, he does not receive anymore, he does not have time anymore. The anointing disturbs him, people adulate him, he is happy, he forgets that it is the work of God, he uses it to enrich himself and empty others. They are zealous, imbued with their person so confident that they do not realize that they are trampling the responsibility on which God has established them.
The Lord says this morning:
Proverbs 30:13 – He is a race whose eyes are haughty, and eyelids lifted up.
Let us not be those who take their place to crush others, pray to remove any form of pride in our lives.
Hello to us.
Have a nice day.

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