My Month of Victory!1Co15:57

A ministry is you, it’s me, it’s us.
It is to work for the building of the body of Christ.
This is the service to which God has assigned us.
Whatever church we worship, Jesus has not changed. He is the same forever.
This morning, our instruction is pray for RMI.
Zechariah 10:12 – And I will strengthen them by the LORD, and they will walk in his name, saith the LORD.
To speak of the RMI is to speak of all the ministries as long as it is Jesus who reigns.
In general, everything is centered on pastors, Christians do not want to be independent, they refuse to be mature and have their own relationship with God.
Everyone wants to do what he wants, everyone wants to assert his vision yet the Lord has already given his instructions.
God’s will for our churches is to see us grow in the knowledge of His word.
The more we read it, the stronger we are.
A ministry is a unity, a cohesion, a harmony, it is not divisions, competition, competitions, it is not who knows more than the other.
We are all here to glorify our Lord.
We are here to support ourselves with the ultimate goal of the kingdom of heaven.
So let’s pray our churches,
Pray to stay truly attached to God
Pray to truly consecrate ourselves to the eternal and be sanctified.
Pray for the leadership fights in our churches to be destroyed.
Ask forgiveness to the Lord not to serve him with all our heart.
Pray for each department of our ministries so that the glory of the Lord may be shining.
Let us put our pastors in the hands of the eternal to give them the wisdom to lead their people well.
May our father strengthen us
Hello here
Have a good day

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