My Month of Illumination! Dan2:22

We always hear a friend who suffers, an orphan who struggles to go to school, a widow who can’t make ends meet to get by, a need that needs help and sometimes it’s hard to get them. support, even our words are weak to cheer them up.
We so want to comfort them and we are powerless, their situation bothers us.
On our own, we can do nothing, we need to return to the word of God, we need to invite God to come and heal wounds, clean hearts, remove bitterness in our lives.
Look around, look at the despair, look at the pains, look at the hatreds and stand up.
The world thirsts for words, the world thirsts for truth.
Darkness controls many and the Lord wants us to be at our posts.
Many are the slaves of the system in place, we are held captive in a foreign country.
Moses saw the suffering of Israel in Egypt, when he took up the defense of an Israelite, it was always a Hebrew who threatened and intimidated him.
Moses fled Egypt, the children of Israel groaned in bondage, they cried out and God heard their groans, he had compassion for this people.
To hand over Israel out of the hand of his oppressors, the Lord has a deliverer by whom he will show his wonders.
Moses knew what awaited him, God had prepared him, he was aware that the deliverance and the restoration of the people of Israel should not be easy but he trusted in the Lord, he let himself be used because the tears of this people were strong.
Just as the Lord sent Moses transmits His people, He also sends us to free those who are gripped by the disease, poverty, hatred and oppressions of the enemy.
Ezekiel 11:25 – I spoke to the captives all the words of the Lord, which he had revealed to me.
Pray for a word of revelation for those who are suffering around you.
Let us be sensitive to the voice of God to denounce social injustices, to assist vulnerable and disadvantaged people.
We are here to proclaim the word, we are to share the gospel.
Salvation resides in Jesus Christ and in the message of the gospel.
Let us preach the kingdoms of God and let the inspired and revealed words of God rule to lead us in our destinies.
Hello, here
Good day

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