My Month Of Honor! Jn12:26

We give you thanks, Father.
You are my strength and our shield.
To whom shall we go?
You have the word of life,
You are the word of life.
Anne is Elkanah’s second wife.
She serves God,
she worships the Lord, she offers to the Lord,
she pays her tithe to the Lord,
she honours the house of the Lord and his anointed.
Hannah has a husband who loves and respects her, but she has a problem: she is barren.
Hannah means grace, but God’s grace is not at work in her life,
she has a desire,
to be a mother, but alas…
Next to her is Penina, the other woman who has several children and never stops making fun of her co-wife.
Every year, Elkanah and his wives went to offer sacrifices to the Lord and he gave Anne a double portion.
One day, Anne was fed up with her condition and was not happy.
One morning, while they were making their sacrifices as usual, with bitterness in her soul, she began to pray and weep to the Lord.
She decided to change the way she presented herself to the Lord,
she decided to lie down at the foot of the Lord,
she decided to take a step of faith with the Lord and she made a vow that changed her life.
Anne was granted her wish,
she had the son she wanted,
she gave back to the Lord according to his promise and Yaweh gave her several more sons.
Beloved, Hannah began to celebrate the God of glory,
he is the God who does not forget.
He lifts up the poor,
he strengthens the weak,
he brings forth the barren,
he feeds the hungry…
Yes, it is God who blesses.
God is no respecter of persons,
he defends the despised,
he fights for those in need, so that no one may boast before him.
When we humble ourselves at his feet
he lifts us up in all his fullness,
he changes our condition and our position.
The beggar becomes a prince,
From prison, we become acting pharaohs.
So let us be discerning,
let the Father be our guide.
1 Samuel 2:7 – The Lord makes poor and makes rich, He humbles and exalts.
Blessed is the Lord who has the power to enrich and lift you up.
Everything depends on us.
The Lord will give us what we choose.
Let us simply go to our Father’s feet.
Good day to you all
Good day to you

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