My Month Of Promotion! 1Sam2:8

Lord, we give you thanks.
We thank you for your love for us,
We are grateful for the provision you keep giving us.
We are so privileged,
You have told us that we are the apple of your eye and we bless your name for that.
We want you to strengthen us because worries still control us,
because we still panic over little things.
We are afraid of not prospering,
We’re afraid we won’t evolve,
We are intimidated by the things you see.
But we trust you, Father.
We know that you will push us towards our destiny.
You neither slumber nor sleep,
you watch over us,
weeping solves nothing,
nor does moaning.
Help us to give you our whole heart.
We want to move forward, but we don’t want to leave sin behind either, so whatever we have, don’t think that it’s because of our merit,
nor by our own strength, nor by our works,
It’s all God’s doing.
He has drawn us and we have gone to him, so let us know that it is the Lord who answers.
Many want to go forward,
but they have no footing and no strength.
They are blocked, but the Lord wants to do us good.
He wants to restore our lives, he wants to give us rest.
Israel had been defeated by the Philistines, who had taken the Ark of the Covenant with them.
But it was seven months later that the Lord decided to move things forward and allowed the Philistines to return God’s presence to the Israelites.
Jeremiah, 31:25 – For I will refresh the thirsty soul, and satisfy every weary soul.
Pray that the Lord will grant your desire for progress.
When the time comes, God honours his promises.
Yaweh promises to restore the sick soul, to make it as good as new.
He reassures us that he can shower us with blessings.
He wants us to learn to rely on him.
So let’s hang on and let our Lord take us over to the other side.
Good day to you all
Good day to you

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