My Month Of Possession! Job42:12

The Bible tells us the story of a man called Naboth of Jezreel, who had a vineyard next to the palace of Ahab, king of Samaria.
Ahab began to covet his servant’s vineyard as a vegetable garden because it was close to his house.
As a reward, the king would give a better vineyard or pay in money.
But Naboth was not interested in the king’s offer; he wanted to keep his fathers’ inheritance.
King Ahab could not bear Naboth’s refusal to give up his vineyard; bitterness overcame him and he lay on his bed, turned his face away and ate nothing.
Jezebel, his wife, worried about her husband, wanted to know what was so sad and the king told her.
Jezebel took authority and put a plan into action to have Naboth killed in order to recover his inheritance and give it to her husband.
And Ahab took possession of other people’s property and rejoiced in it.
Taking something dishonestly is a sin.
Jeremiah, 17:11 – Like a partridge that incubates eggs it has not laid, so is he who acquires wealth unjustly; in the midst of his days he must leave it, and in the end he is a fool.
Avoid acquiring property dishonestly.
A man who gathers wealth unjustly is like the partridge mentioned in the text.
No one dwells with what is not his own, so it is foolish to take other people’s possessions and boast about them.
God is just and he will make sure that restitution is made.
Good day to you all
Good day to you

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