My Month of Wisdom ! Pr3:13

Wrong is wrong.
Let’s stop justifying our bad behaviour sometimes,
Let’s stop wanting to hurt others because we have the opportunity,
Let’s stop cultivating bad thoughts because we are not satisfied with a person.
Keeping someone in your heart is wrong,
Unforgiveness is wrong,
Lust, jealousy, pride are wrong.
And the Lord is tired of this situation in which we trample sometimes through ignorance, sometimes through overzealousness.
We are so proud to see others suffer when we can reach out to them,
We stand on our high ground and are insensitive when the unfortunate one is working hard to fulfil himself.
We are so selfish that we want everything for ourselves because in our position we want to crush everyone in our path.
Here is Ahab who is a king and from his window he could see a vineyard but only, it was not his, it belonged to Naboth.
So the king tried to buy it from him but Naboth didn’t agree to sell because it was his inheritance.
Ahab became angry, he did not care that Naboth was keeping the law of Jehovah.
Ahab, being angry, locked himself in his room and refused to eat.
Jezebel, his wife, was astonished at his attitude, a king who has all the power is lamenting for so little?
So she decided to take matters into her own hands and conspired against Naboth, she issued a decree accusing Naboth of having spoken evil of God.
And this was to be a pretext to kill him and take his possession afterwards.
An innocent person dead because of our lusts,
A person who only wanted to keep his property was killed.
Who has the right of death over the lives of others?
Who so takes life without remorse?
Jezebel is one of those people who do harm because we do not agree with her ideologies,
Those people who say evil things based on their status and spread terror wherever they are.
The LORD commends us this morning to abstain from evil.
To abstain means to hold back, avoid, forbid, renounce, deprive oneself of…
1 Thessalonians 5:22 – abstain from all kinds of evil.
Pray for the ability to abstain from all forms of evil.
Let us keep ourselves from what is evil,
Let us look to Jesus,
Let us cling to the Father,
He is the only one who can show us the way to wisdom,
He is our guidance,
He is the one who renews our thoughts and gives us discernment.
Remove from our hearts all that does not give you glory, Yaweh, and hide us in your bosom so that we may at last copy from you.
Good morning to all
Good day to you

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