My Month Of Stability! Ps62:2

Beloved, receiving gifts is a pleasure for all of us. Sometimes it’s a sign of gratitude and love, but it can also be a constraint,
it’s a constraint,
it’s a form of conrruption,
The Bible tells us that Naaman was a valiant, influential and wealthy man, but he was suffering from leprosy.
In his search for a solution, he went to Israel to meet the prophet Elisha.
Naaman received an instruction from the prophet that delivered him from his disease.
It is a rule not to come empty-handed to a man of God, so Naaman brought a gift that Elisha refused.
For Elisha, he was a prophet of integrity; healing could not be bought, it came from heaven, from God.
Elisha did not want to be seduced by vain things, but Geazi coveted the gift that his master had rejected and went to ask for it.
This is how Naaman’s leprosy became attached to him.
We also want to talk about Balack, who called on Balaam to come and curse the people of Israel.
Balack sent a convoy with many gifts to meet Balaam and seduce him.
But Balaam went to consult the Lord, who forbade him to follow them.
Balack did not give in to Balaam’s refusal to comply; he doubled the stakes and set the bar very high to get Balaam to move.
And this time, Balaam, seeing all the gifts in front of him, agreed, even though God had already forbidden him to move.
Brothers and sisters, this morning we want to say that gifts prevent us from being rational.
Gifts skew our points of view and constrain us.
Gifts favour the strong.
Let us walk uprightly before him who is the supreme judge.
He who takes gifts is a friend of those who oppress the weakest,
he protects the wicked.
It is justice that makes a nation fair.
Let us decide to walk in truth,
let us guard against receiving gifts and let us walk uprightly before the face of the Lord.
Proverbs, 29:4 – A king establishes the land by justice, but he who takes bribes ruins it.
Pray not to be destabilized by gifts.
When our authorities make the right decisions for the common good,
our land is stable, at peace and happy, but if they only pursue their own well-being, we will neither develop nor multiply.
Lord, teach us to know your ways.
Good day to you all
Good day to you all

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