My Month Of Possession! Job42:12

We must pray for our pastors.
This is their day.
This is a time for them.
We don’t usually pray for them,
we think that they know everything and that everything is going well for them, but they are also going through difficult situations,
they weep for their families,
sometimes they even miss their provision and we don’t support them,
we don’t support them,
we don’t pray for them.
Many men of God have fallen into pride and arrogance,
they have gone astray because the Lord has begun to bless them and open the gates of greatness to them.
We murmured, we criticised, we blamed,
we did whatever our flesh dictated, but we did not pray for them.
We didn’t stand up and intercede to change the situation.
On the contrary, we encouraged,
we mocked.
The Lord is asking us today to devote this day to praying for our leaders.
Fast and pray for your Pastors.
1 Corinthians, 2:7 – we preach God’s wisdom, mysterious and hidden, which God intended before the ages for our glory,
To share God’s word is grace.
Not everyone has the power to decode the Holy Scriptures,
not everyone can grasp the revelation of the word.
You have to be equipped to activate the glory, the blessing that lies behind the word.
So let’s not sit back and say that it’s easy to teach the word of God,
Let’s not dare to simplify this work of the spirit that God’s servants try to detect day after day in order to nourish the people.
So let us know that we must pray for our ministers of the Gospel, our prayers helping them to keep away from compromise and error.
Father, we thank you, glorify your name in the lives of our pastors.
Good day to you all
Good day to you

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